First of all, low level stuff, such as peripheral drivers, should be hidden from the application developer. He or she should not be able to access directly the registers and mess with the peripheral states or control. The wrong flag in the wrong register can lead to dramatic failures and even damages to the products.

Accesses to peripheral registers are also special in that they should not optimized out by the compiler when accessed in loops. This is done in C by using the volatile qualifier and in Rust through pub unsafe fn core::ptr::read_volatile<T>(src: *const T) -> T and pub unsafe fn core::ptr::write_volatile<T>(dst: *mut T, src: T). To make it easier to use we can wrap these two calls in a generic newtype VolatileCell<T>. Registers will be declared using global Unique<T> and thus not be movable. The reference can still be cloned but we can’t really prevent that as anybody can still create an unsafe pointer to any location.

Rust doesn’t provide any way (at the time of writing) to declare and represent a non-byte-aligned type. So it is not possible to describe in a structure a register such as the Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register from the ARM Cortex-M4 System Control Block the way we would in C.

Luckily @dzamlo has made a very good rust-bitfield crate for that purpose. Among the use cases that rust-bitfield covers, the one that fits the most our need is this one:

extern crate bitfield;

bitfield! {
  pub struct AnyRegister(u32);
  impl Debug;
  pub read_only_field, _: 2, 0;
  pub _, write_only_field: 5, 4;

This creates a newtype that implement few accessor methods that in turn fall back to implementations of the Bit and BitRange traits on this newtype. This is very nice and simple to use.

The crate implements the Bit trait for any type that implements BitRange<u8> and provides two implementations of BitRange. The first one accesses a field in an integer by shifting and masking, and the second accesses a field from an array by looping and extracting each bit one by one.

In our use case we would need:

In order to fulfil our first requirement, we would only need to implement BitRange<T>, including BitRange<u8> for VolatileCell<U>, because the bitfield! macro will automatically implement BitRange for us and use the inner type’s implement of BitRange.

macro_rules! impl_bitrange_for_vc_tu {
    ($t:ty, $u:ty) => {
        impl BitRange<$t> for VolatileCell<$u> {
            fn bit_range(&self, msb: usize, lsb: usize) -> $t {
                debug_assert!(msb < size_of::<$u>()*8, "The msb must be smaller than the cell size.");
                let width = msb - lsb + 1;
                debug_assert!(width <= size_of::<$t>()*8,
                              "The field must be smaller that the return type");
                let mask = (1 << width) - 1;
                (( >> lsb) & mask) as $t
            fn set_bit_range(&mut self, msb: usize, lsb: usize, value: $t) {
                debug_assert!(msb < size_of::<$u>()*8, "The msb must be smaller than the cell size.");
                let width = msb - lsb + 1;
                let mask = (1 << width) - 1;
                self.update((value as $u) << lsb, mask << lsb)
impl_bitrange_for_vc_tu!(u8,  u8);

impl_bitrange_for_vc_tu!(u8,  u16);
impl_bitrange_for_vc_tu!(u16, u16);

impl_bitrange_for_vc_tu!(u8,  u32);
impl_bitrange_for_vc_tu!(u16, u32);
impl_bitrange_for_vc_tu!(u32, u32);

However, for the second requirement, we need to opt out from the default implementation the bitfield! macro provides and implement BitRange by ourselves.

bitfield! {
  /// Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register
  /// Described here :
  pub struct AIRCRegister(VolatileCell<u32>);
  no default BitRange; // this feature is on PR at the time writine these lines.
  impl Debug;
  pub _, sys_reset_req: 2;
  pub prigroup, set_prigroup: 10, 8;
  pub endianness, _: 15;
// as all fields are thinner than a byte we only need to implement the u8 version
// (it offers the `Bit` trait impl in bonus).
impl BitRange<u8> for AIRCRegister {
    fn bit_range(&self, msb: usize, lsb: usize) -> u8 {
        self.0.bit_range(msb, lsb)

    fn set_bit_range(&mut self, msb: usize, lsb: usize, value: u8) {
        debug_assert!(msb < size_of::<Self>()*8, "The msb must be smaller than the cell size.");
        let width = msb - lsb + 1;
        let mask = (1 << width) - 1;

        self.0.write((0x05FA << 16) | (((value as u32) & mask) << lsb));

This is very nice because it covers all the things we need to start working rather safely with a target, but there are still few issues that I would like to address:

In the “take - 2”, I will detail what I came up with and how it answers these concerns.